Our mission statement

Your child in the best hands

Children’s innate curiosity inspires them to discover the world. They do so under our watchful care.

Source: Framework for Early Years Teaching, Care and Education in Switzerland. May 2012

We support the compatibility of work and family
As a professional childcare provider, we support parents/guardians in the daily challenge of balancing family and work. We respect the diversity of parents, guardians and strive for constructive cooperation.

RAMAKI® (Room-Material-Child)
Our pedagogical conception „RAMAKI®- playful learning“ is based on the orientation guideline model by Regula Kormann for early child education, care and upbringing.

The child is at the center of our every day care and the focus of our conception. This is based on a competent and cooperative child. We focus our work on the knowledge that children learn from each other and need benevolent, creative and structured guidance.

The play material is kept in boxes, sorted by topic and is continuously adapted to the interests and the development level of the children. During independent play time, children can combine the play material as they wish.

The day care facilities are orderly and peaceful. Through clear structures, orientation aids and plenty of space for movement, the room offers the children the best possible contribution to individual development.

Playful learning is our educational purpose
The needs of children are the focus for our work. One of those needs is the will to learn. Children learn while they’re playing and play while they learn. A child wants to satisfy his inner curiosity and learn for themselves. Play activity and learning follows this inner motivation of a child, meaning that only learning which includes joy is sustained. Through extended phases of independent play we offer the children an optimal environment for learning.

We see ourself as a learning organization
We are constantly striving to give our best. The changing requirements concerning childcare as well as developments in scientific findings are our indicator and our incentive for continuous improvement.

Participation is the foundation of our pedagogical philosophy
We believe that children have the capacity for self-learning and that they have a natural curiosity and a strong will to learn. In order for children to navigate their lives competently and independently, they need to be able to „exercise free choice“, „to participate, create and shape“, and „to take on responsibility“. This is why we let the children participate in as many daily situations and tasks as possible and offer them development-oriented and challenging options.

Our communication is appreciative and based on the development level of the child
In verbal as well as non-verbal dialogue with their educator, the children get to know their environment and their own needs. Therefore we insist on an appreciative and developmentally-oriented communication.

Stable relationships are our foundation
Children learn most successfully in an environment that gives them on the one hand emotional security, stable relationships, orientation, trust and warmth and on the other hand opens the door to new challenges and experiences which stimulate their sense of experimentation, independent research and problem solving. Through needs-based familiarization, stable group composition, nurturing care and entering into a parenting partnership with parents, we provide the ideal foundation for the child’s development.

Meals at our centers are a social experience
Eating and drinking is far more than nutritional intake. The atmosphere the children experience during their meal influences their eating habits and their ability to enjoy. For this reason we place great value on fixed mealtimes and table rituals. The children should look forward to their meal and enjoy the companionship. We pay close attention to good quality and balanced food.

We appreciate diversity
Part of our day care culture is to welcome and respect all individuals, regardless of gender, nationality, age, physical condition, disability, ethnic origin, religion and sexual orientation. Norms and values are the foundation of our society. We see it as our mission to advocate this to children in our everyday work. It is crucial that children playfully and through their own experiences in their everyday life, i.e. through social contact, learn which behaviors are appropriate and lead to success. We rely on insight and realization without pressure and coercion.

Our Vision

With our pedagogical conception, we enable children to develop into self-confident personalities in a protected, trusting space, at their own pace and with lots of fun.

Strong children are our future – that’s what we stand for.

In times of changing working environments, we offer parents flexibility.