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Childcare places available!

Are you looking for childcare?

We have available childcare places. Children from outside the company are also welcome. In addition, we offer exciting holiday care services for your child. Please do not hesitate to get in touch for more information on our offering.


Flexible childcare

Flexible childcare allows for childcare by the hour and is offered at three different daycare centers run by the ABB Kinderkrippen association in Baden.

Regulations flexible childcare (German)

Did you know?

Subsidized slots in our childcare and daycare centers

Parents from Aargau and also from Zurich, receive subsidies for family care for children in every childcare center. Please inform yourself about this in your community.

ABB Childcare Centers

“A childcare center for all children!”

The Association of ABB Childcare Centers helps parents with the daily challenges they face. We offer places in our 16 childcare and 3 after-school/holiday centers!

According to the subsidy guidelines authorized by the city of Baden, we offer subsidized slots in our daycare and childcare centers to parents living in the collective child care communities in the Baden Region.
For further information, please visit: Krippenpool

Providing a professional, reliable and high-quality service since 1966.

Discovering the world together

ABB childcare centerss: early years teaching, care and education

Children’s innate curiosity inspires them to discover the world. They do so under our watchful care.

It is important to us to respond to the needs of the child and to promote its individual development. Our pedagogical concept reflects that of the Swiss UNESCO Commission and Childcare Network Switzerland’s Framework for Early Years Teaching, Care and Education in Switzerland.

The Association of ABB Childcare Centers is a legally independent body composed of a total of 16 childcare centers and three after-school/holiday centers. Around 280 employees care for approximately 1,000 children. These are primarily children of member-company employees, but we regularly accept external applications (children of non member companies) too.

All facilities are members of the Association of Daycare Switzerland (kibesuisse) and meet the very highest quality standards. We are also a member of Childcare Network Switzerland.

Our pedagogical concept and mission statement